Who shall save us from the chasm of this life?
Who shall heal our wounds?
Masking of faces, bruised and shattered
Brute beauty and paralyzed bodies
It was in the dark hours of the dusk
When our murderers came
Old women with their blotched bent hands
Sharpening their tools
How we shared one knife
We became bond by blood and pain
Our blood ripples
Here, we are, struggling with the torture
Beaten and coerced to wide open our legs
For bow, we must to culture and traditions
For this is the end of our promiscuity

Perhaps, if those organs were useless
Creator, would never had created it
Here, we are toiling and struggling
Crawling instead of walking
They violated our peaceful nakedness
Irons of slavery tore our heart to pieces
‘CUT THEM’, came the ugly women leader’s voice
Don’t you get it?
We will make no excuse for the women we’ve become
Wanting, needing and panting
They feed us with the sad tales of womanhood
We bit our lips and hold back tears
Now we smile to those who cut us up
We are more open and accessible
We are exposed and more vulnerable
Lost like the swam of bats in the bright of the day
We battle daily with this nightmare
They have removed it
Our only crime was reaching puberty
Injury, severe bleeding
We got difficulties urinating
Something precious has been taken from us
We can’t be the same anymore
Violation of our rights
Deep rooted in Inequality
Extreme form of discrimination
Clitoridectomy, excision, infibulation
Pricking, piercing incising, scraping
When shall we learn to walk again?
Today being the 6th day of February is the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation is a day set apart by the United Nations to sponsor annual awareness as efforts to eradicate Female Genital Mutilation ,
Female Genital Mutilation is a violation of the basic rights of women and girls and this affects negatively the general health, childbearing capabilities and educational opportunities of girls and women.
When we perform Female Genital mutilation, we violate the reproductive rights of the girls, we violate the security and physical dignity of the girls. Girls have the right to be free from torture, and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
N.B the article was posted on our different social media group to create awareness on Female Gender Mutilation which was on the February 6th.