I find it disconcerting that whenever you are doing something or working on a particular project, people are quick to tell you what exactly you should add to it, or what you should remove. Perhaps, this might not be entirely bad, if the advice is offered as a suggestion or constructive criticism but what I would rather frown at is destructive criticism and imposition of responsibility and work.
The earlier we understand our peculiarities and differences as human beings, the better it is for us. Some of us have practically lived all our years among girls and we have been devoted to working with the female gender for donkey years.
Biologically, it’s easier for me to address young girls as one who has worn their shoes and knows where it pitches and the peculiarities attached to being female.
With my experience working and relating with thousands of girls, I am more consumed with my work and burning zeal to keep advocating for the female gender and their challenges.
It might interest you to know that I studied Law at the university just to be able to advocate for female gender rights. I’ve got colleagues who were motivated to study Law for corporate affairs, real estate, arbitration, human resources and etc. They are simply CHOICES!
It then become worrisome, when I post my work on girls affairs and women issues, and
People begin to ask me what I am doing concerning the boy child and most especially from men.
Sirs, I should be asking you, “what about the boy child?”. Perhaps I need to say most of us have an amazing relationship with the men in our lives, we were and still being raised by fathers who adore and love us genuinely. We are in a relationship with partners who love us and are committed to our work. We are not some set of emotionally wrecked broken ladies seeking refuge from one man’s hand to another and trying to spill out venom against the other gender.
We have male mentors, guardians,teachers , uncles, brothers who are pouring themselves to us daily, and guiding us to be the best, notwithstanding our gender. We have male friends and colleagues who has given us their shoulders to lean on.

The question of “what about the boy child?”is to be thrown back at you! Sirs, What are you doing as a man to make the world better for boys? What have you used your experience to do for them? How have you helped those young ones who are calling you “Egbon”, “Chairman”, in their career and life pursuit?
If you have started already, I celebrate you. If you are contributing your quota in any way, I celebrate you! Please continue, you are doing well.
We all have the freedom and the will to contribute our quota to any gender we wish, people are not to be coerced to do a particular work, especially when they recognize their strength and expertise in a particular field.
The development of female gender goes beyond a passion for me. it’s my life, calling, ministry and PROFESSION.
It’s high time we stopped imposing duties and responsibilities on people. Once you are intelligent enough to spot out a lacuna in a space, you should also be creative enough to start looking at solutions that you can proffer, RISE UP!
I have organized seminars and talks to hundreds of boys at different times, but how easy is it for fatherhood to be taught by mothers? How easy is it to change and switch gender roles? We exist to complement one other, whenever you need our role as mothers we will step in!
We are not in a baseless competition of trying to overrule or displace some gender and we are not a bunch of haters who are simply jobless! All we want is a better and equitable society, we have chosen our path, please choose yours!
Don’t ask me about the boy child, if you are doing nothing in your own ‘little’ way to make the society better, I have made my choice.
Where are the young men that should be teaching these young ones, values, and tenets of fatherhood? Where are the young men talking to boys about violence, drug abuse, assault, managing, dealing with the opposite gender, and emotional peculiarities of manhood? Boys need you!
How are you handling your finances, your emotions, your current, How are you controlling your urges? awake! Please rise up and stop the unnecessary name-calling and baseless arguments.
Sir, if you ever start any organization for the young boys and you need our partnership or contribution, we will like to partner with you.We are open to such complementary works.
If at the end of this post, you still read this with the mind of gender hatred and gender discrimination.
I can’t help your comprehension and ignorance!